Just found a fun command on Mac Os X, named as “say”.
say converts what you give it as input, as an audible sound.
$ say "hello"
Combine it with pipes
$ date | say
$ fortune | say
Let it notify you when a job’s completed.
$ brew update && say 'Brew updated' &
say can
- save the audible to a mp3 file
- slow its speech rate
- send it to a network port
- use the voice/language you want. male/female/french/dutch…
All options are available with a $ man say
Examples :
With a french voice
$ say --voice Thomas "Bonjour je m'appelle Valère"
To know which voices are available on your system : $ say --voice ?
, to install more voices, go to your system preferences.
The same, faster.
$ say --voice Thomas --rate=400 "Bonjour je m'appelle Valère"